Year 6

Mrs Howard-Armitage

Class Teacher

Mrs Worrall

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Philbin

Teacher (Thursday Morning)

Hello everyone,

We're really looking forward to working with the children in their last year of Primary school!
We are very lucky to have Mrs Philbin join our KS2 team. She will be teaching Year 6 each Thursday morning.

During the Autumn Term we will be learning about; -

  • Maths - Place Value and Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions 
  • Writing – Based on the books 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope' by Jo Hoestlandt (Autumn 1) and ‘Can We Save the Tiger?’ by Martin Jenkins (Autumn 2).
  • Reading - We will be reading a range of different text types during our Guided Reading lessons.
  • Reading for Pleasure – ‘The Final Year’ by Matt Goodfellow
  • Science – Animals Including Humans (Autumn 1), Evolution and Inheritance (Autumn 2).
  • History - Crime and Punishment (Autumn 1).
  • Geography – Trade - where does our stuff come from? (Autumn 2).
  • Art - Drawing – Make my Voice Heard (Autumn 1).
  • R.E - 'God,' 'The Eucharist' and 'Advent.'
  • Jigsaw PSHE - Being Me in My World (Autumn 1) and Celebrating Differences (Autumn 2).
  • Music – Happy (Autumn 1).
  • P.E - Fitness and Dance (Autumn 1), Badminton and Handball (Autumn 2).
  • Spanish - Year 6 will have their Spanish lessons this term delivered by Mrs McQuillan!

Year 6 have P.E on Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon this term so please ensure your child has their full P.E kit on these days.

Homework will be set on a Friday and due by the following Wednesday. 

If there is anything you would like to discuss, please don't hesitate to speak with me at the end of the school day or send a message via Class Dojo.

Mrs Armitage