Through the use of technology, we aim to prepare our children for a rapidly changing world. Our Computing curriculum is designed to encourage our children to use computational thinking skills in order to solve problems and to further their understanding of our ever-developing digital world. Where possible, we have designed our curriculum so that it includes cross-curricular opportunities with subjects such as Maths and Science.
Computer Science is an important aspect of our curriculum. Children are taught key skills such as how digital systems work and how to apply their skills to programming. We intend that our children can use technology creatively in order to program and debug a range of algorithms.
Information Technology is an element of our curriculum that allows children to develop skills involved in data handling, processing information, communication and for displaying information. As a school we understand the importance of developing children’s information technology skills so that we equip them with essential skills for future learning and employment.
We also aim to ensure that our children become digitally literate. We want our children to be able to use technology safely and securely and understand where to seek help if concerns arise. At Latchford St James, we want our children to be confident and competent users of technology and be aware of how to use technology safely and respectfully. We want our children to remember that our Christian Values apply when using technology too, both at home and in school.
Our Computing curriculum has been carefully designed and is personal to our school. We ensured that we could deliver our curriculum creatively and effectively, and that we have the technology available in school in order to meet this aim. Our Computing Subject Leader has ensured that children in EYFS have access to a range of equipment such as programmable toys, computers and iPads so they are familiar with using a range of different technology at the beginning of their educational journey. In Key Stage 1, children have access to a full class set of iPads to for our Computing curriculum and cross-curricular activities. As a school however, we understand the importance of developing other basic ICT skills such as typing skills and using a mouse. Our Computing Subject Leader met with a Key Stage 3 teacher in a local high school where they expressed the importance of children having access to laptops or computers to develop these basic computer skills ready to access the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Therefore, when our children begin Key Stage 2, they are all provided with their own individual laptop in order to develop these computer skills. By the time they have left Latchford St James, all children will have had experience of using a range of different technology types to allow them to be competent users of ICT.
Our curriculum covers three key aspects; Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. Computing skills are taught both discretely and cross-curricularly to support learning in other subjects across school. In EYFS and Key Stage 1, children are taught to use equipment confidently and with a purpose. They develop their problem solving and recording skills and are able to communicate and handle information safely and competently. In Key Stage 2, our children further develop these skills for communication and programming and work to understand how to communicate safely. Our school curriculum ensures that children from Key Stage 1 through to the end of Key Stage 2 are always reminded of the importance of Online Safety and how to report any concerns they may have.
The use of technology in both teaching and learning is well-embedded in our school. Children are confident users of technology and will be able to use technology to accomplish a wide variety of goals, both at home and in school. Children will understand the that technology is very important in our society and strive to become independent and competent technology users. As children become more confident in their abilities in Computing, they will develop key life skills such as problem-solving and self-evaluation skills. Above all, we want our children to be safe and sensible users of technology both at home and in school. Children understand that we expect them to be respectful members of modern society when using technology, in line with our Christian Values.
On Tuesday 9th February the children in all classes took part in Safer Internet Day. The theme this year was 'An Internet We Can Trust' and the children learned about different ways they can spot information on the internet that is true and information that is false. We learned that we can't always trust and believe everything we see online!
We also learned about ways we can keep ourselves, our families, our information and our devices safe too. The children have created some excellent informative posters with lots of important facts that we can all learn from, so we know how to keep each other safe on the internet.
We also learned about ways we can keep ourselves, our families, our information and our devices safe too. The children have created some excellent informative posters with lots of important facts that we can all learn from, so we know how to keep each other safe on the internet.