Miss Gee
Class Teacher
Mrs Forshaw
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Year 4!
Autumn Term
Mrs Forshaw and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to school and to Year 4! We hope you had a lovely summer break and the children are excited to start a new year of learning. I am delighted to be teaching Year 4 this year and cannot wait to get started.
During the Autumn Term we will be learning about; -
- Maths - Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Measurement and Multiplication and Division
- Writing - 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne (Autumn 1) and 'Leon and The Place Between' by Grahame Baker Smith and Angela McAllister (Autumn 2)
- Reading - We will be reading a range of different text types during our Guided Reading lessons
- Reading for Pleasure - The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
- Science - Grouping and Classifying Living Things and States of Matter
- History - Ancient Greece (Autumn 1)
- Geography - Earthquakes (Autumn 2)
- Art - Drawing - Power Prints (Autumn 1)
- Music - Mamma Mia! (Autumn 1)
- D.T - Textiles - Fastenings (Autumn 2)
- R.E - 'Good News', 'God' and ‘Christian Communities’
- Jigsaw PSHE - Being Me in My World (Autumn 1) and Celebrating Differences (Autumn 2)
- Computing - Computer Systems and Networks (Autumn 2)
- P.E - Autumn 1 - Real P.E (co-ordination and static balance) and Rugby with Warrington Wolves, Autumn 2 Real P.E (dynamic and static balance) and Real Dance (artistry and partner work).
Homework will be set on a Friday and due by the following Thursday.
If there is anything you would like to discuss, please don't hesitate to speak with me at the end of the school day or send a message via Class Dojo.
Miss Gee
Useful Websites
Please find below links to websites used as part of our weekly homework.
1. TT Rockstars
Take a look at some of the amazing learning we do in our class!