Curriculum Overview

Pupils in KS1 will have 21 hours teaching per week and those in KS2 will have 23.5 hours excluding assembly, registration and break.

The National Curriculum is the core of the school’s curriculum for Key stages 1 and 2. It comprises three core subjects: Maths, English and Science plus the foundation subjects of Technology, ICT, Geography, History, Music, Art, PE and Religious Education. The emphasis is on literacy, numeracy and the application of ICT across the curriculum. Thus, the school has a designated literacy and numeracy session each day and there are computers in each teaching area to support learning. KS2 have their own mini laptop to use in all lessons as appropriate.

Children from KS2 also have the opportunity to study Spanish, Dance, PE and Music during the year which is taught by specialist teachers visiting the school. KS1 have specialist teachers on a weekly basis for Dance, Music and PE. EYFS have specialist teachers for Dance and PE with our Chair of Governors taking a music session all on a weekly basis.

The different stages of the National Curriculum have separate requirements. Children in the Nursery and in the Reception class will be working within the framework of the Foundation Stage, where they are taking “stepping stones” to their Early Learning Goals in the six areas of language and literacy, mathematical development, personal, social and emotional development, knowledge and understanding of the world, physical and creative development. In Years 1 & 2, they are working on the Key Stage 1 curriculum and in Years 3 – 6, on Key Stage 2. Subjects are sometimes taught separately but usually as part of a topic linking different areas. Teaching is carried out using a variety of techniques to ensure that each child progresses according to ability. There are times when the class is taught as a whole or in groups or individually, depending on the task. Sometimes different activities take place in the same room at the same time.

The children also cover personal, social and health education. Sex and relationship education is not taught as a separate subject but as a planned part of this ongoing programme and as part of the National Curriculum for Science. It is delivered by the teaching staff and the school Health Adviser. Parents are given advanced notice and the resources will be made available for review.

The law allows parents to withdraw their children from lessons where sex education is being taught which is beyond the scope of the National Curriculum. Parents wishing to do so should discuss the matter with the Headteacher.
As Latchford St James is a Church of England Aided primary school, it has strong links with the Parish church of St James’ and our religious education conforms to the doctrine of the Church of England. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and collective worship. Parents wishing to do so should discuss the matter with the Headteacher.

All children’s physical and learning needs are taken into account when planning. At the School Action Stage, children have an Individual Education Plan covering their areas of difficulty, which is evaluated termly so that their progress is monitored. Their parents are kept informed and encouraged to work with their children too. Where a child needs more specialised help, they are moved to the School Action Plus Stage and a support teacher comes into school to work with individuals or small groups. There are also groups in both Key Stages who are seen to need more intensive daily help with literacy/ numeracy. This is provided by a programme delivered by teaching assistants, under the guidance of the teaching staff. There is also a Governor who has responsibility for overseeing special needs education within the school.


The school has a Homework Policy and there is a leaflet available to parents to explain this. Key Stage 1 pupils are expected to read regularly at home with their carers and a literacy and numeracy based task is sent home regularly. Every child has a Homebook for teacher/parent comments. At Key Stage 2, reading is expected each day, although it may be in the context of research. There will also be more set numeracy and literacy homework in addition to spellings, tables and topic-based homework. Each class has a clearly set out timetable for homework that is available from the class teacher. Consequences are in place if homework is not completed.

Day and residential visits are part of the school’s curriculum enrichment and are arranged throughout the year.
Enquiries regarding the curriculum or any related matter may be made of the Headteacher.

If any situation ever gives rise to a formal complaint, it should be discussed with the Headteacher and if it cannot be resolved, it will be referred to the Chair of Governors. The school has a complaints procedure, a copy can be provided on request from the school office.